
Having been a staple in the Grove and the City of Pueblo, Our Lady of Mount Carmel had its beginnings as a national church for Italian immigrants, but soon became a magnet for anyone who wished to come to Mass. The community was started in the late 1800's by the priests of the Society of Jesus. The Church was built, and the parish was established in 1920. It still offers Mass in Spanish and English to the Roman Catholics of Pueblo.

Convert Classes and Christian Initiation

Those who want to become Catholic can contact the Pastor for information. You will be registered and receive instruction to come into Full Communion in the Catholic Church. Proof of your baptism is required. If you have never been baptized in a Christian Church or Denomination, you will be enrolled in Inquiry Classes to begin the process of the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (see below). When the Pastor and the candidate for Full Communion discern that they are ready, the Rite of Reception into Full Communion is celebrated.

The Order of Christian initiation
for Adults

The OCIA is the process by which one comes to know Christ personally, His relevance for your life, His saving power and the ways in which Catholics live our Apostolic Faith. The process lasts for at least “two Easters,” which means that those received into the Catechumenate will study, pray, and grow in their relationship with Christ and His Church over many months. The path is a year-round journey so one can join at anytime the he or she is ready to begin. Meetings are held on Sundays during Mass and Thursdays in the evening.

Adult Sacrament
Preparation Program

The Adult Sacrament Preparation program is intended for persons over the age of 18 years, who for whatever reasons did not receive their First Confession (Reconciliation), First Communion (Eucharist), or Confirmation. This group will meet on Thursday evenings at 7 PM in the basement of the Tafoya House (229 Clark Street). Contact the Parish to register.

Marriage Preparation

Those who would like to begin marriage formation should contact the Pastor to begin. You should not set a date for your marriage until the Pastor has determined your freedom to enter the Catholic Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. You will need at least 6 months to prepare for this most important sacrament. Elements of the program will include the FOCCUS inventory and debriefing, the Beloved programmed study from the Augustine Institute, taking a course in Natural Family Planning (if warranted), Making an Engaged Encounter Weekend, and any other formation as determined by the Pastor.

Religious Education Classes (K-8)

Religious Education
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    The Celebration of the Quince años (15 years) is as much cultural as it is religious.  It is rooted in the dedication of a virgin to chastity and of the presentation of a marriageable daughter to the community.  In the USA, the celebration also is about being of Mexican heritage, and the preservation of the family culture in a non-Hispanic world.

    The blessing of a young woman at Mass necessitates the involvement of the Catholic Faith, and her formation as one who will be a mentor and teacher of the faith to the younger girls who are becoming women after her.  She then is a public person, recognized for her important role in the community.  It is the goal of the formation to help her to make a stronger commitment to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. During Formation she should strive to be a servant of God as was the Blessed Virgin Mary. So, in the Quinceañera there are the conflicting ideas of honor and humility, of a certain public notice and of modesty, of greatness and being a servant of God, and finally, but most importantly, of dying to oneself for the sake of others.

    If the family perceives the Quince Anos celebration as simply a cultural celebration, we do not have the celebration during a Mass, especially in cases where Mass attendance is not part of family life.  Then we will have either a deacon or the priest come to the family celebration at the hall to pray the blessings. This will make it less awkward for both regular Mass goers and those who rarely if ever attend, or even aren't Catholics.

    Please contact the parish to schedule and register your celebration and to obtain the services of appropriate clergy for your type of celebration. 


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    Youth and Young Adult Sacramental Preparation

    All English language religious education for youth who are younger that 18 years of age is offered through the Sunday classes, including classes for First Confession, First Communion and Confirmation.  Youths older that 18 years of age (young adults) enroll in the Adult formation and OCIA classes for the background, and then certain independent study is offered for the sacraments they seek.  First Confession (Reconciliation) begins in January, followed by First Communion once the candidate has made his or her first confession.  Confirmation preparation usually begins in Eastertide (The weeks after Easter) for these young adults who have already made their First Confession and First Communion with celebration taking place at Sacred Heart Cathedral with the Bishop on Pentecost Sunday

    The Spanish Language classes have a different format, meeting on Saturday mornings from 10:30- 12:00 Noon. Youth who have already made their First Confession and First Communion and have attained at least the age of 14, and who only speak Spanish should come to these classes.  Those under 18 will be confirmed with the parish confirmation class, and those older than 18 will be confirmed with the adults at Sacred Heart Cathedral.