
Having been a staple in the Grove and the City of Pueblo, Our Lady of Mount Carmel had its beginnings as a national church for Italian immigrants, but soon became a magnet for anyone who wished to come to Mass. The community was started in the late 1800's by the priests of the Society of Jesus. The Church was built, and the parish was established in 1920. It still offers Mass in Spanish and English to the Roman Catholics of Pueblo.


-Altar Servers Coordinator, Alexandra Reyes: alerema375@gmail.com


Altar Servers at Mount Carmel
At Our Lady of Mount Carmel we have two groups of altar servers: one for the English Masses and one for the Spanish Masses.  Of the English Masses there are two distinct groups, those who come on Saturday evening at 4:30 and those who come on Sunday at 8 am.

Father Don is the coordinator of the English language servers.  He trains them informs them spiritually.

The Spanish Group serves at 11:00 Mass.  Daniel Seijas is the coordinator of the Spanish Mass altar servers.  He trains them and also forms them spiritually.

If you would like to learn to be in altar server, please contact, Fr. Don through the office at 719-542-5952.  Please leave your phone number and name so he can get back to you.  If you speak Spanish he will direct you to Alexandra.


Catholic Charismatic Group

This group was started on February 23, 2005 in obedience to our former Bishop Fernando Isern:

Our aim is to support the Charismatic Prayer Groups and the entire Community of OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL PARISH. This is accomplished by helping the growth of the members of prayer groups and experiencing  Life in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit by:

  • Renewing Prayer Groups, focusing more on the values ​​and original understanding of the Charismatic Renewal.
  • Establish authentic and Catholic Teachings in leaders and servants in the parish.
  • Locating prayer groups under the authority of our Pastors.
  • Training lay ministers in pastoral skills.
  • Uniting the renewal by convoking the Prayer groups when attending Diocesan events.
  • Uniting all the Groups and Community to the same sense that CHRIST LIVES.

  “For where two or three are gathered in my Name, there I am, in the midst of them.” (Mat. 18:20

“Do like the Son of Man, who did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many.” (Mat. 20:28)

 If you have questions please contact: Father Don Malin, Adriana Balbuena or Susana Arellano.


Catholic Christian Family Movement
The Movement is a group of Catholic families that unite their efforts to promote the human and Christian values ​​of the family, so that they are in the community: trainers of people, educators in the faith, aware of their evangelizing mission and committed to the development integral part of the community and the domestic church.
All families are welcome to join.
If you want more information, you can contact
Gloria and Rene Acevedo 719-281-8269 or reneacevedo70@yahoo.com
Armida and Jorge Soto 719-299-6114

Knights of Columbus

Founded on the principles of charity, unity and fraternity, the Knights of Columbus was established in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney, assistant pastor of St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Conn., and a group of parishioners. Their intent? To bring financial aid and assistance to the sick, disabled and needy members and their families.

Today, Father McGivney is being considered for sainthood.

Our Council was established 2009 by Al Duran and Ron Martinez. The First Grand Knight was Ron Martinez, with the first five members. There are now 15 members. If you are interested in joining please talk to Peter Velasquez, Eugenio Najera, Jesus Chavira, Antonino Moreno, or Ron Martinez.

Missionaries of Jesus
Missionaries of Jesus is a Community committed to spreading the message of FAITH, proclaiming an almighty living God, the risen Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit who guides us, to fulfill the will of the Father.

It seeks the complete Salvation of man, which consists of Spiritual attention (prayer) and physical attention (material need).

Spread the message of FAITH and Catholic Doctrine in the world, in massive events (retreats) and through the means of Social Communication (MDJ International App, Radio Jesús, etc.).

Furthermore, they assist the parish priest in formation of engaged couples by offering a day of reflection on theology of the sacrament of Matrimony

For more information contact Paola Valles 719-569-9794


The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
The Patroness of the United States and Empress of the Americas is Our Lady of Guadalupe. Our Bishop has also named her co-patroness of the diocese of Pueblo. Her feast is celebrated beginning with the Novena of Our Lady of Guadalupe from December 3rd to December 12th. Each night includes the Rosary and Novena prayers, followed by food! On the Vigil of the feast,  a re-enactment of the Apparition and the Mañanitas is added to the rosary. There is a Mass celebrated on the 12th (if it doesn't fall on a Sunday). The Mayordomos for this year are Gloria Aguilar and Laura and Jesus Garcia.  Contact them at 719-320-5512.


Prevencion y Rescate a Catholic 12 Step Program for addicts and their families.

Prevencion and Rescate initially arose due to the high growth of alcoholism and drug addiction in society, our fundamental vision was to be in each place where there was this problem or families affected by this disease.

At first we were focused on just rescuing addicts and gang members that we found on the streets, but little by little we discovered that it was not enough to achieve personal sobriety, so our gaze was directed more to the reality of the addict's life. Because we were not only interested in rescuing him from the streets or from addiction, our goal was to embed him back into a social, cultural and spiritual life.

We wondered why the addict fell into this problem? And hearing testimonies from ourselves, we realized that the root of his problem began within the family itself, caused by abandonment, domestic abuse, materialism, parental alcoholism, sexual abuse, pornography, etc. and that all this led us to have dysfunctional families. It was then that Prevention and Rescue began to focus more on the families than on the addict himself, and we began to work on our family assemblies with the permission of the Parish priest so that through these assemblies we would have the opportunity to get to know the families better. of the addict. For more information call Elizabeth Sanchez at 719-470-9995.

Altar Servers
Catholic Charismatic Group
Catholic Christian Family Movement
Festival Coordinators
Finance Committee
Knights of Columbus
Missionaries of Jesus Christ
Our Lady of Guadalupe Fiesta
Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group
12 Step Group in Spanish